ECEN 303.200/501: Random Signals and Systems

Spring 2017


Instructor: Xiaoning Qian [Office: WERC 205J; Phone: 979-845-6268; Office Hours: F 11:00-12:00 or by email appointment]

Time & location (tentative): M/W/F 8:00-8:50AM @ THOM 122

Recitation Time & location (tentative): F 12:40-13:40 @ EDCT 632

Grading: Homework (20%) + Bi-weekly Exames (40%) + Final exam (40%)


Objectives: This course will introduce basic concepts of probability theory.

Main textbook: We will use the class notes written by Prof. Jean-Francois Chamberland-Tremblay:   [Undergraduate Probability I]

In addition to the required notes, we will also use the following textbook:  A First Course in Probability by S Ross (ISBN 9780321794772)

   Check eCampus for updates!!




·  Course syllabus [syllabus] is posted on Dec. 26th, 2016.

·  We will have homework assignments, from which we will select and have similar problems for six bi-weekly exams so that we can have timely feedback on lectures and learning. Homework assignments will not be graded based on randomly selected problems and the solutions to homework problems will be discussed during recitations before each bi-weekly exam, which will also be held during recitations. Hence, participation in recitations is required for the course.





·  Handout #1 –[Review of linear Algebra] from Dr. Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course was posted on Aug. 7th, 2013.

·  Handout #2 –[Review of Probability Theory] from Dr. Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course was posted on Aug. 7th, 2013.


Check eCampus for updates




Homework assignments:


·  Homework #1, Check eCampus for updates






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